Meet Our Brand Reps

Asher + Ena is proud to be represented by the cutest little people in the nation!

They join us from Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Texas.

Meet them here, and join our Fan Club on Facebook to snag one of their Friends & Family Discount Codes!

He's the big cheese 'round here... meet Asher!

He's all about hanging with his crew, his feline buddies, and his mama and dada in Georgia.

Asher is head over heels for his  "Ena"!

Pretty little five-year-old Adalee is her mom and dad's "wildflower" (wild child)!

Nothing can slow her down!

Adalee lives in Missouri.

Wade is one of our youngest reps and works for us from Oklahoma.

He is the only boy in a family of girls and loves hearing his three sisters fight!

Meet this little cutie named Piper!

Hailing from Oregon, she's a bookworm who adores Winnie The Pooh, Ariel The Mermaid, and Minnie Mouse!

Three-year-old Missouri native, Diesel, is the sweetest, most loving, and quiet boy around.

He may be small in size, but he's big in heart!

Claralise is a dancing water enthusiast!

At the young age of four and from Texas, her Mama lovingly calls her 'little hummingbird' for her tiny, always-on-the-go nature.

Five year old Kaylee Faye reps for us from Oklahoma.

Watch out for this one - she's a fashionista with a mischievous streak!

Meet Violet, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed cutie from Texas who's all about outdoor fun, crafts, and cookie feasts!

Hazel is pumped to tackle homework and expand her knowledge at school!

Get ready, Texas, here she comes!

Baby Barrett is the king of giggles, puppy cuddles, and outdoor adventures in his Okie homeland.

One of our newest reps is Baby Elle from Texas.

When she's not wowing everyone with her southern charm, Baby Elle is busy snacking her way through the day!

When she's not hitting home runs on the softball field, you can find seven-year-old Hadlee Pearl browsing the aisles for her next fashion statement!

Hadlee reps for us from Oklahoma.

Anastasia is six and lives in Missouri.

She's a bright and helpful little soul!

She helps anyone she can.

Indiana is home to two year old Callum.

He adores the great outdoors and mimicking everything his daddy does.Callum just leveled up to big bro status!

She is authentically and unapologetically herself and takes "young, wild, and free" very seriously!

Parkour is her favorite hobby.

Four year old Harper is from Texas.

Denver is obsessed with animals of any kind!

Her favorites at the moment are narwhals.

She's three years old and lives in Alabama, and in her spare time, she enjoys pretending to be a narwhal swimming in the ocean!

Carter, the pint-sized adventurer, is all about exploring the great outdoors!

He's head over heels for the moon and airplanes, soaring through the Alabama skies at just two years old.

Little Princess Morgan is two and lives in Maryland.

When she isn't conquering the sidewalks on her trusty bike, she's diving into her favorite books or soaking up the sun outside!


Jett, our 18-month-old from Alabama, is on a mission for snacks!

 Every morning when he wakes up he looks for fruit snacks.

Charlie wants to be an astronaut when she grows up!

When she's not dreaming of exploring the galaxy, this adorable three-year-old from Ohio is busy playing with her toys.

Leon is five. He loves to be active and has to be busy at all times. 

This little whirlwind from Alabama is always on the move, from sunrise to sunset!

Gracie rolled at 6 weeks, crawled at 3 months, and was on her feet before hitting 10 months.

Now she's one, spreading snuggles and mastering sign language!

Maryland is her playground!

Gorgeous little Aurora loves singing and dancing!

She's four years old and from Texas.

When she's not belting out tunes or busting a move, this pint-sized diva is spreading joy wherever she goes!

Ocean is a spunky baby!

She is 14 months old and from Missouri.

Ocean does what she wants, when she wants!

18 month old Brixlee Rose is from Oklahoma.

She absolutely loves to dance!

Her favorite dance move might just be the 'Oklahoma two-step'!

Charming little Ariel adores Ms. Rachel, Doggyland, & Bluey.

She's our two-year-old Texan toddler!

Seven-year-old Phoenix is the life of the party in Missouri...

he doesn't know a stranger!